Houston Personal Injury Blog

Top Five Mistakes Made After a Job Injury

On-the-job injuries and occupational illnesses happen regularly. Across the U.S., 2.7 million workers reported a work-related injury or illness in 2020. That same year, over 210,000 Texas employees across all industrial sectors got injured or sick while working. Unlike many states, Texas does not mandate workers’ compensation for all employers. Instead, Texas caps an employer’s… read more

How a Lawyer Can Help Negotiate a Severance Package in Houston

Are you being offered a severance package after leaving your job in Houston, TX? Severance agreements can be complex and contain requirements that make a big impact on your future. An experienced attorney can review the agreement and negotiate terms that are fair to you. Leaving a job can be stressful, filling you with uncertainty… read more

What Is the Difference Between Medical Malpractice and Medical Negligence?

Intent is the primary difference between medical malpractice and medical negligence. However, both actions result in harm or injury to a patient. Therefore, you can recover compensation for both medical malpractice and medical negligence.  It can be challenging to draw the line between medical negligence and medical malpractice. Medical negligence is generally an unintentional, avoidable… read more

What Is an Examination Under Oath in Houston?

An examination under oath (EUO) is similar to a deposition. However, your insurance company requests the EUO to gather more information about a claim. Your testimony at an examination under oath is sworn testimony. Therefore, you are under penalty of perjury to answer questions truthfully. What Is an Examination Under Oath? Most insurance policies contain… read more

Do I Have to Get an Independent Medical Exam in Houston?

If the workers’ compensation insurer or the Texas Division of Workers’ Compensation requests an independent medical examination (IME), you must submit to the examination. Failing to attend and cooperate during an IME could be grounds for denying your workers’ compensation claim. Therefore, understanding your rights regarding an IME is the first step in protecting yourself… read more

What Happens in a Tire Blowout Accident in Houston?

According to the U.S. National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), vehicle problems are the least common causes of accidents. Driver error, environmental conditions, and “other” causes result in more accidents than equipment breakdowns. But with the enormous number of traffic accidents in the U.S., vehicle problems still cause about 44,000 car accidents every year. Of… read more

What is a Tort Claim in Texas?

A tort is an act or omission that harms or injures another person. In other words, another person causes you to sustain an injury or other harm because of their actions.  Torts are generally based on negligence claims, but they could arise from intentional acts or strict liability. Claims are causes of action against other… read more

Top 5 Most Important Safety Features for Cars

Shopping for a new car can be a lot of fun, especially if it has been a while since you’ve upgraded. Technology has improved tremendously over the last decade, both for user-friendliness and safety features. Carefully examining your new car’s safety features will help reduce your chances of an accident and protect you during a… read more

3 Types of Product Liability Claims in Texas

A product liability claim arises when a defective consumer product injures someone. When this happens, the injured victim can seek money damages from the defendant in a product liability claim. The defendant can be a manufacturer, a retailer, or any other party in the chain of distribution. The victim does not have to be the… read more

What Does Bar Stand for in the Bar Exam or Bar Association?

Non-lawyers often ask what the “bar” stands for. The bar derives from the setup of a courtroom. A rail separates observers from the lawyers, parties, jurors, and judge. When law school graduates become eligible to practice law, the court allows them to cross the rail from the gallery into the courtroom. But the bar refers… read more