Your unfamiliarity with the roads and weather conditions in other areas of the country can increase your risk of being involved in a collision. As a result, an out-of-state car accident is a distinct possibility whenever you travel across state lines. 

Truck accidents, in particular, can have catastrophic consequences. Even the best-trained truck driver cannot avoid shifting loads, worn brakes, and slick roads. And when a semi-truck goes out of control, you risk having 40 tons of truck and cargo slam into your vehicle.

Steps to Take After an Out-of-State Truck Accident

Each state sets its own car insurance requirements. As you travel across state lines, you might enter a state with a no-fault insurance system that is very different from Texas’s fault-based system.

But only residents of a state must comply with its auto insurance requirements. You do not need to buy new insurance when you visit another state. Your Texas insurance policy will provide the same coverage after an out-of-state truck accident.

Similarly, trucking companies have insurance coverage for their trucks that provides benefits everywhere they operate. Federal law requires trucking companies to have at least $750,000 in insurance and surety bonds in case of accidents.

Claiming your fair share of these benefits after a crash will depend on what you do after the accident. The steps you take after an out-of-state truck accident can protect your right to pursue compensation or complicate the process. 

Some steps you can take after an out-of-state truck accident include the following:

Stop at the Accident Scene

Every state requires drivers to stop at the scene of any crash that causes injury or death. If you fail to stop, you could face charges for a hit-and-run even if you did not cause the crash.

Call the Police

Almost every state requires you to call the police after an injury crash. Most states also require truck drivers to report any accident involving a commercial motor vehicle. As a result, the local police, sheriff’s office, or state highway patrol will show up at your accident scene to investigate the crash.

You should cooperate with the investigating officers. But in doing so, it’s important that you also stick to the facts. Do not make any admissions of fault to the officers or the truck driver. Just describe what happened and let the officers do their jobs.

Exchange Information with the Truck Driver

Exchange information with the truck driver. If your injuries prevent you from doing that, you will be able to get the insurance information from the accident report. This information is essential for pursuing a claim against the trucking company and its insurers.

Seek Medical Attention

It’s imperative that you document your injuries. The most reliable way to do so is to seek medical attention. 

In addition to documenting your injuries, seeing a doctor will allow you to:

  • Get you a diagnosis and a treatment plan
  • Find out your prognosis
  • Identify any complications and hidden injuries

Keep track of all your expenses as you seek medical attention. While your car insurance may cover your out-of-state accident, your health insurance might not cover your out-of-state treatment. As a result, you may need to pay out-of-pocket and seek reimbursement from your health insurance provider.

Get a Copy of the Accident Report

Find out how to get a copy of your accident report. Most large police agencies allow you to request one online.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer

You do not necessarily need to hire a lawyer in the state where the accident happened. Thus, your Houston truck accident lawyer can file and pursue your insurance claim regardless of where the crash happened. 

Resolving Your Truck Accident Claim After an Out-of-State Collision

Trucking companies bear liability for crashes that result from their negligence in loading, operating, or maintaining their truck fleet. When you return to Houston, you should speak to an injury attorney to discuss your options for pursuing a claim.

Contact a Houston Truck Accident Lawyer to Help You With Your Claim

For more information, contact the Houston truck accident law firm of Attorney Brian White Personal Injury Lawyers by calling (713) 500-5000.

Attorney Brian White Personal Injury Lawyers – Houston
3120 Southwest Freeway, Suite 350 Houston, TX 77098 United States

Attorney Brian White Personal Injury Lawyers – East Fwy
11811 East Fwy, Suite 630-06 Houston, TX 77029 United States

Attorney Brian White Personal Injury Lawyers – South Loop
2600 S Loop W, Suite 293 Houston, TX 77054 United States
