Repetitive Trauma Injury
Repetitive trauma injuries in Houston, Texas can result from engaging in sports, work-related activities, and even tasks around the home. These activities can cause repeated stresses on your body and repeated exposure to harmful environmental conditions.
After you suffer a repetitive trauma injury in Houston, TX, Attorney Brian White Personal Injury Lawyers can investigate. Depending on the cause of your injuries, our Houston repetitive trauma injury lawyer may be able to help you with an injury claim for the losses you suffered.
Call our Houston repetitive trauma injury attorney for a free consultation and to learn more about your legal options.
How Attorney Brian White Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help After an Accident In Houston, TX
Brian White Personal Injury Lawyers is a personal injury law firm in Houston, Texas that has operated since 2008. The firm’s founding attorney holds a board certification in personal injury trial law. Our Houston personal injury lawyers have recovered millions of dollars in financial compensation for injured clients.
After you suffer an injury, our Houston repetitive trauma injury attorneys provide the following services:
- A free consultation to assess your case and explain your rights
- A team with over 45 years of experience to fight for a fair settlement
- Seasoned litigators to take your case to court if the other party refuses to settle
Repetitive trauma injuries can often support an injury claim. Contact Attorney Brian White Personal Injury Lawyers to discuss your options for financial compensation after you suffer an injury from repetitive trauma.
How Many Repetitive Trauma Injuries Happen In Houston,Texas?
Repetitive trauma injuries can happen in many ways and in various locations.
According to a query on the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) website, Texas recorded 68,750 total workplace injuries in 2020. Of these, 1,420, or 2.1%, resulted from repetitive trauma.
According to BLS statistics, the most likely body parts to suffer injuries from work-related repetitive trauma include the neck, back, lower extremities, and upper extremities.
Common injuries included carpal tunnel syndrome, strains, and stress fractures.
What Causes Repetitive Trauma Injuries?
Repetitive injuries happen when trauma accumulates over time and through repetitive stresses to produce an injury. You can contrast these injuries with acute ones that result from a single event, such as a knee injury incurred in a car accident. A repetitive trauma, by contrast, would be if your knee injury resulted from you repeatedly lifting boxes at work.
Importantly, the forces that can produce repetitive trauma injuries are not necessarily strong enough to cause an acute injury. Walking will likely not fracture a foot bone, for instance. However, walking for eight hours a day, five days a week could produce a stress fracture in your foot.
In most cases, when your body experiences trauma, it eventually heals. But when you repeat the trauma, you reinjure the tissue before it can heal. Over time, the damage accumulates, and the injury worsens. Microscopic tears or cracks grow into muscle strains or bone fractures.
Physical stress is not the only cause of repetitive trauma injuries.
Repeated trauma from many sources can injure you, including:
- Loud noises
- Vibrations
- Explosions
- Dust and other particulates
- Toxic chemicals
In many cases, you might have only circumstantial evidence of the cause. If you pursue an injury claim, the other party might use the uncertainty surrounding the cause of your injuries as a defense against it.
What Are Repetitive Trauma Injuries?
Repetitive trauma injuries can include a wide range of physical harm, including:
- Stress fractures
- Strains
- Sprains
- Torn cartilage
- Herniated discs
- Lung disease
- Hearing loss
- Brain injuries
In some cases, rest allows your body to recuperate. For a stress fracture, your doctor may give you a brace or cast to wear for a few weeks until your bone heals. But you will typically not need surgery or other invasive treatment.
In other situations, though, you may suffer permanent disabilities from your injuries. For example, repeated exposure to power tools can lead to permanent hearing loss.
Who Is Liable for Repetitive Trauma?
Repetitive injuries can happen without fault. For example, you could strain your elbow by playing tennis regularly. But in some situations, you may have a compensation claim for your injuries.
You may be entitled to compensation for your repetitive trauma injury in the following situations:
- When you are injured at work: Workers’ compensation benefits pay for your medical treatment and part of your lost income
- When your employer is a non-subscriber: You may have a claim if your employer is a non-subscriber to the workers’ comp system and negligently causes your injury
- When a defective product injures you: You may be eligible to file a product liability claim for injuries caused by a defective product
Schedule a Free Consultation With Our Houston Personal Injury Lawyers
Repetitive trauma injuries in Houston, TX can cause pain, swelling, and a limited range of movement. Contact Attorney Brian White Personal Injury Lawyers for a free consultation with our Houston repetitive trauma injury lawyer. Our team can discuss your injuries and your options for pursuing compensation for them.