Houston Workers' Compensation Non-Subscriber Lawyer

Workplace injuries and illnesses are very common throughout the United States and in Houston, TX. There were 2.8 million nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses reported in 2019. OSHA reported 5,333 workers died on the job during 2019.

If you are injured on the job, our Houston workers’ compensation lawyers can help. In many cases, workers are covered by Texas workers’ compensation insurance. However, this is not always the case. 

If your employer does not have workers’ compensation insurance, contact our Houston workers compensation non-subscriber lawyer. The lawyers of Attorney Brian White Personal Injury Lawyers have over 45 years of combined legal experience fighting for injured employees’ rights. 

Contact our law office, give us a call today at (713) 500-5000 and speak with one of our Houston workers’ compensation lawyers at Attorney Brian White Personal Injury Lawyers.

How Our Houston Workers Compensation Lawyers Can Help if You’ve Been Injured On The Job

How Our Houston Workers Compensation Lawyers Can Help if You've Been Injured On The Job

The Houston personal injury lawyers of Attorney Brian White Personal Injury Lawyers have substantial experience handling personal injury cases. We have over 45 years of combined experience. Founding attorney Brian White is Board Certified in Personal Injury Trial Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization, a certification held by less than 3% of Texas attorneys.

Our Houston personal injury attorneys fight for fair and just compensation for your injuries and damages. 

When you hire our legal team, you can expect us to:

  • Review and analyze your case to provide an honest assessment of your claim
  • Begin an immediate investigation into the circumstances that caused your injury
  • Identify all parties liable for your claim and all causes of action available to recover compensation
  • Deal with the insurance company and other parties involved in the claim
  • Negotiate a settlement that is in your best interest
  • File a lawsuit, when necessary, to protect your right to compensation for damages caused by another party

Contact our law firm to schedule your free consultation with experienced injury lawyers in Houston, Texas. 

Overview of a Houston Workers Compensation Non-Subscriber Case

The Texas Department of Insurance manages workers’ compensation. Workers’ compensation insurance covers most workers injured on the job. An injured employee could receive workers’ comp benefits if the injury or illness occurred during their ordinary course of employment.

However, some employers do not have insurance through the Texas workers’ compensation system. Those employers are considered non-subscribers. 

What is a Texas Non-Subscribing Employer?

A non-subscriber is an employer who has chosen to opt-out of Texas’s workers’ compensation program. The employer is responsible for setting standards for compensating employees injured at work. 

Employers may elect to be non-subscribers because it is less expensive. They may prefer to manage on-the-job injuries themselves instead of paying for workers’ compensation insurance. 

Is My Employer a Houston Workers Compensation Non-Subscriber?

Is My Employer a Houston Workers Compensation Non-Subscriber?

Some employers misrepresent that they have workers’ compensation insurance through the state. An employer may have purchased a private insurance policy, which does not make them a subscriber. The employer is still a nonsubscriber.

You can contact our Houston workers’ compensation lawyers to determine if your employer is a nonsubscriber. You could also check with the Texas Department of Insurance. The department can confirm whether your employer is a subscriber or non-subscriber.

Knowing whether your employer is a non-subscriber is crucial. It changes your options for recovering compensation for workplace accidents. 

Employees covered by state workers’ compensation benefits cannot typically sue their employers. However, non-subscribers are not protected by workers’ comp laws. Therefore, these employees can file a personal injury lawsuit against their employer for a workplace injury or illness. 

What Should I Do if My Employer is a Houston Workers Compensation Non-Subscriber?

Immediately seek legal advice from a Houston workers compensation non-subscriber attorney. You may be able to file a lawsuit against your employer or file lawsuits for third-party claims. 

A non-subscriber may be responsible for compensating an employee for injury-related damages, including:

Benefits for subscriber claims through the State of Texas are limited. The injured worker may receive more compensation by filing a lawsuit against the employer. However, if the employer was a subscriber to the workers’ compensation system, the worker might not be able to file a lawsuit.

A downside is that the employee must prove some negligence on the part of the employer. Employees are not required to prove fault when they file a workers’ compensation claim through a subscribing employer

Therefore, it is crucial to get an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer involved in your case as quickly as possible. An attorney can investigate the accident to determine whether liability exists for your injury.

Schedule a Free Consultation With Our Houston Workers Compensation Non-Subscriber Lawyer

Do not delay in seeking legal advice about an injury claim involving a non-subscribing employer. The Texas Statute of Limitations applies in these cases. You must file your claims before the deadline to protect your right to pursue a claim in court.

Contact us now to schedule a free consultation with a Houston workers compensation non-subscriber lawyer. 

Our personal injury law firm in Houston, TX also handles: