Burnet Car Accident Lawyer

Burnet Car Accident Lawyer

Have you been involved in a car accident in Burnet, Texas? Don’t hesitate to call Attorney Brian White Personal Injury Lawyers to discuss your legal rights. You may be entitled to compensation, and our award-winning Burnet car accident lawyers want to help you get every cent you deserve. Call us today at 713-500 5000.

We are respected and successful Texas trial lawyers with over 45 years of combined experience. We stand up to insurance companies and powerful adversaries on behalf of our clients every day, winning millions in monetary awards on their behalf.

Now, we’re ready to have a positive impact on your life after an auto accident. Contact our Burnet, TX, law office to get started at 713-500 5000. Your first consultation is free.

How Attorney Brian White Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help You After a Car Accident in Burnet, TX

How Attorney Brian White Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help You After a Car Accident in Burnet, TX

Even though you may be entitled to compensation after a traffic accident in Burnet, the claims process won’t necessarily be easy. Expect the at-fault party and insurance company to contest your claim at every turn. 

They’ll downplay your injuries. They’ll argue your life hasn’t changed for the worse since the wreck. They’ll try to blame you – in whole or in part – for causing the collision.

Don’t let their tactics stand between you and the compensation you deserve. Trust our Burnet personal injury lawyers to help you make the most of your car accident case.

Choosing Attorney Brian White Personal Injury Lawyers means working with attorneys who’ve been recognized as leaders in personal injury law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization, Avvo, the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum, Super Lawyers, and other honorable organizations. 

We’re led by a Board Certified Civil Trial Specialist and lawyers whose collective experience spans more than four decades. Our commitment to client justice is unmatched, as evidenced by our multi-million dollar case results.

When you ask for our personal injury law firm’s help after a car accident in Burnet, we will:

  • Promptly investigate the wreck to determine why it happened and who’s at fault
  • Identify all available insurance policies and coverage limits
  • Assess medical records, cell phone records, accident reports, eyewitness statements, property damage, forensic reports, vehicle maintenance records, photographs of the scene of the accident, and other important pieces of evidence
  • Enlist the help of accident reconstructionists, forensic specialists, medical professionals, and other experts who might have relevant insight into more technical aspects of your case
  • Calculate what your car accident case is worth
  • Enter settlement negotiations armed with strategies designed to help you secure a life-changing monetary award
  • Be available to answer your case-related questions and help you make important decisions about your future
  • Bring your car accident lawsuit to a Burnet County, TX, jury, if necessary

Contact our Burnet personal injury attorneys to learn more about working with our top-rated legal team. Your first consultation is 100 percent free.

Why Should I Hire a Car Accident Lawyer?

Tackling a legal claim for damages after a collision can be daunting. Fortunately, it’s not something you have to do – or should do – on your own. Hiring an experienced car accident attorney near you in Burnet is one of the best things you can do after a wreck.

  • Level the playing field. Hiring a lawyer forces the insurance company to engage in honest, transparent, and productive settlement negotiations, which sets the stage for a successful legal claim.
  • Put experts in your corner. The insurance company will work with experts. You should, too. That can happen when you hire a reputable car accident lawyer in Burnet, TX, to handle your case.
  • Protect yourself from claims of comparative negligence. The insurance company will have to back its claims of shared fault with hard evidence and facts if it wants to hurt your chances of recovering compensation.
  • Give yourself time to rest. You’re not going to get the best results if you’re not solely focused on your legal claim. Hiring a lawyer not only increases the odds of a higher financial recovery but also gives you time to focus exclusively on your physical health and emotional well-being.

At Attorney Brian White Personal Injury Lawyers, we’re tireless advocates for our clients. We have successfully obtained tens of millions of dollars in settlements and jury awards. Discover what it can mean to have our experienced legal team and unmatched resources backing your fight for compensation by calling our Burnet law office today.

How Much Money Can I Get If I Win a Car Accident Case?

It depends. Every crash is different. Every victim will have a unique experience. When you decide to take legal action, the details of your situation will dictate how much money you might be able to recover from an insurance company or another liable party.

  • What types of physical injuries have you suffered?
  • Are your injuries permanent or physically disabling?
  • What have you paid out-of-pocket since the crash?
  • Do you share responsibility for the motor vehicle accident?
  • What type of collision were you involved in?
  • Can you still work?
  • Have you experienced a change in your earning capacity?
  • How old are you?
  • What’s your life expectancy?
  • What insurance benefits are available to you?
  • Has your ability to enjoy your life changed since the wreck?

The more your life changes – physically, emotionally, and financially – because of a car accident, the more you can typically expect to recover in a legal claim for damages. However, some things – like comparative negligence or a failure to mitigate damages – can adversely affect how much money you receive.

Don’t risk accepting a settlement offer for less than you deserve. Discuss the details of your claim with our trusted car accident attorneys in Burnet right away. Members of our team are always here to take your call – 24/7/365.

How Long Do I Have to File a Car Accident Lawsuit in Texas?

Once you’ve been involved in a car accident in Burnet, Texas, you will typically have up to two years to file a personal injury lawsuit.

The two-year statute of limitations applies when a crash results in an injury or wrongful death.

There can be exceptions to the rule, especially if a child is injured in a Burnet car accident. In these situations, the statute of limitations can be paused until the child turns 18.

Don’t assume you have extra time to take legal action. Once the filing deadline comes and goes, you’ll lose the right to seek compensation from an insurance company or negligent party.

What Types of Damages Are Available to Burnet Crash Victims?

In Texas, the claimant in a personal injury case can seek compensatory damages, which include two distinct types of awards: economic and non-economic.

Economic damages are intended to help you handle the added financial burdens you experience because of your recent car accident, such as:

  • Medication, surgery, hospitalization, medical devices, ambulance fees, and other current medical bills
  • Future medical expenses related to rehabilitation, therapy, and follow-up care
  • Lost wages, income, and benefits
  • Diminished earning capacity
  • Property damage
  • Out-of-pocket expenses, such as the cost of a rental car while yours is being repaired
  • Nursing assistance
  • Costs of a funeral if a crash is fatal

In order to recover compensation for an economic loss, it must be supported by receipts, invoices, wage statements, or some other type of documentation or evidence.

Non-economic damages are intended to help you handle the consequences of being a car accident victim that aren’t easily valued, which can include:

  • Loss of companionship
  • Reduced quality of life
  • Mental anguish
  • Pain and suffering
  • Disfigurement
  • Disability
  • Emotional distress
  • PTSD
  • Embarrassment
  • Chronic physical pain

These types of damages are difficult to value because they can affect people in different ways. So, it’s often critical to have experts weigh in and testify on your behalf to help you secure an award that accurately represents the trauma you’ve experienced.

How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Car Accident Attorney?

It will cost nothing out-of-pocket to hire a car accident attorney at our firm. We advocate for crash victims in Burnet on a contingency fee basis.

We’re so confident that we can help you recover compensation that we won’t get paid unless we win your case. To help you out even more, we’ll front the costs of pursuing your legal claim – including filing fees, court costs, expert fees, and more.

When we win compensation for you, our fee comes right out of your financial award. Typically, you can expect your attorney to receive between 33 percent and 40 percent of your winnings.

Don’t hesitate to ask us about our contingency fee legal representation. We’re available to answer your call and address your questions 24 hours a day.

Can I Get Compensation If I’m Blamed For a Texas Car Accident?

Maybe, but it will depend on how much liability you’re assigned. Under Texas’s modified comparative negligence law, you cannot recover compensation if you’re 51 percent or more responsible for causing your car accident.

Sharing a small fraction of the blame won’t bar a recovery, but it will impact how much you can receive in a settlement or jury award. Compensation is reduced in direct relation to fault. Sharing 15 percent of the blame for an auto accident will cause a 15 percent reduction in damages.

If your case was initially worth $100,000, this means you’d recover a maximum payout of $85,000.

Our Burnet car accident attorneys will be fully prepared to fight back against claims of shared fault on your behalf. We aren’t just here to help you win your case. We’re here to make sure you’re able to recover every cent to which you’re entitled under Texas state law.

Will My Car Accident Case Go to Trial?

It’s unlikely. Only a small fraction of personal injury lawsuits go to trial. However, it’s always possible that yours could – especially if there are disputes over liability or both parties simply can’t agree on a fair settlement.

Going to trial can be time-consuming, stressful, and costly. The best way to avoid a showdown in court is by hiring a respected Texas trial lawyer to represent you. When you hire a litigator known for being successful in court, you’ll show the insurance company that you’re not afraid to go the distance. In turn, you can force them to engage in more productive settlement negotiations and leverage a better result outside the courtroom.

What Should I Do After a Car Accident in Burnet, TX?

The things you do after an auto accident in Burnet, Texas, matter. Here’s what you should do (and avoid) to increase the odds of a meaningful financial recovery after a wreck. 

  • Call 911 and report the accident. Tell the dispatcher what happened and ask to have an officer and other first responders sent to the scene.
  • Remain near the scene of the crash. Leaving can be considered a hit-and-run under Texas law.
  • Document the collision. Take pictures of damaged property, the scene of the accident, and your injuries while you wait for the police to arrive.
  • Exchange information with other parties. Trade insurance details with other drivers and get the contact information of eyewitnesses. Avoid accepting blame or apologizing for the crash, as statements like these can ultimately be used against you and prevent you from getting the compensation you deserve.
  • Seek prompt medical treatment. Get yourself to the closest emergency room in Burnet if you’re not transported from the scene by an ambulance.
  • Resist the temptation to accept an insurance company’s initial settlement offer. This is especially true if you haven’t spoken with an attorney yet. Once you agree to a settlement, you lose the right to seek additional compensation in the future.
  • Call a car accident lawyer near you in Burnet, Texas. Hire an attorney to handle your claim and represent you during any conversations with the other side.

We know car accidents can happen anytime, anywhere. That’s why we always have team members available to provide assistance. No matter when you call us, we’ll be here to answer. Contact our Burnet law firm today to learn more.

Types of Car Accident Cases We Handle

The insurance company has a lot of experience handling claims like yours. They’ve seen it all. If you want to level the playing field, you need to put an experienced and successful law firm in your corner. 

At Attorney Brian White Personal Injury Lawyers, our legal team has over 45 years of collective experience representing clients in all types of car accident cases across the state of Texas.


Rollovers tend to involve SUVs and other vehicles with high centers of gravity. They happen when a driver makes a sharp turn at high speeds or when a vehicle’s tire “trips” on a hazard on the road. 

Side Impact Crashes

Side impact collisions can include T-bone accidents, broadside collisions, and sideswipes. They commonly occur when a driver makes a risky left-hand turn or runs a red light at an intersection.

Head-On Collisions

A head-on crash, which is also known as a frontal collision, occurs when the front ends of two vehicles collide. Single-vehicle accidents can also be characterized as head-on crashes when the front end of a car strikes a fixed object, like a sign, road divider, or tree.

Rear-End Crashes

Rear-end collisions occur when the front of one car strikes the back end of another vehicle. These types of accidents are commonly seen at intersections and when vehicles are in stop-and-go traffic.

Intersection Accidents

Intersection accidents account for more than half of all traffic accidents every year. That’s not surprising since intersections can be confusing and difficult to navigate, especially when motorists are distracted or unfamiliar with local traffic patterns.

Who Could Be Liable For My Car Accident and Resulting Injuries?

Texas law extends liability – or financial responsibility – to anyone who contributes to an auto accident.

Depending on why and how your car accident happened, one or some of the following parties could be liable:

  • The driver of a passenger vehicle
  • Bus driver
  • Truck driver
  • Transit company
  • Vehicle manufacturer
  • Government agency
  • The negligent party’s employer
  • Pedestrian
  • Motorcyclist
  • Bicyclist
  • Vehicle mechanic
  • Property owner

Our experienced personal injury attorneys in Burnet will carefully evaluate the details of your crash to determine why it happened and who’s at fault. Once liability is clear, you can count on us to aggressively seek a top-dollar monetary award from them on your behalf.

Common Types of Car Accident Injuries

Many factors can influence what types of injuries you’re likely to suffer in a Burnet wreck. We’re here to help you get compensation for each and every injury you’ve experienced.

Call us for help if you’ve been diagnosed with any of the following injuries after a recent collision:

  • Broken bones
  • Crushing injury
  • Chest injury
  • Soft tissue injury
  • Concussion
  • Eye injury
  • Brain injury
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Whiplash 
  • Neck injury
  • Back injury
  • Paralysis
  • Amputation
  • Degloving injury
  • Nerve damage
  • Burn injury
  • Catastrophic injury
  • Wrongful death of someone you love

Don’t underestimate just how much of an impact a crash-related injury can have on your life. Big or small, you deserve to be compensated. Our Texas car accident lawyers want to help you get the compensation you deserve.

What Are the Most Common Causes of Car Accidents?

There’s a reason why negligence is the main cause of action in car accident lawsuits. Accidents tend to happen when people are careless, reckless, and make poor decisions.

Some of the most commonly cited causes of collisions include:

  • Speeding
  • Distracted driving
  • Drunk driving
  • Fatigued driving
  • Running red lights
  • Road rage
  • Tailgating
  • Unsafe passing
  • Illegal turns
  • Failing to signal
  • Failing to yield
  • Vehicle malfunctions
  • Vehicle defects
  • Road defects

Don’t worry about figuring out precisely why and how your crash happened. Leave this and other aspects of your legal claim to our experienced car accident attorneys in Burnet.

Texas Car Accident Statistics

Every year, thousands of car accidents happen across the State of Texas. In 2023, the state reported a total of 427,008 collisions. That’s more than 1,169 crashes every day.

For many, Texas car accidents are catastrophic. Out of the more than 427,000 crashes reported in 2023, 2,057 were fatal (resulting in 2,204 deaths), and another 9,679 caused severe injuries (affecting more than 11,000 people). 

What about a city like Burnet, TX? According to the Texas Department of Transportation, there were 159 motor vehicle accidents in Burnet in 2023. While there were no fatalities reported that year, dozens of people suffered wide-ranging injuries because of these wrecks.

Call Our Burnet Car Accident Lawyers Today For Help

You deserve to be compensated for your car accident injuries. Someone else was careless, and they have to be held accountable for the traumatic experience you’ve had. Attorney Brian White Personal Injury Lawyers wants to help you take a stand and fight for the compensation you deserve.

Our Burnet car accident lawyers have over 45 years of collective experience. We stand up to insurance companies every day, fighting hard to get top results for clients like you. The result: tens of millions in monetary awards.

Find out how we can help you make the most of your car accident lawsuit by calling our Burnet law office today. There’s no charge for your first case evaluation.