Texas Slip and Fall Accident Lawyer

Texas Slip and Fall Accident Lawyer

Were you or a loved one hurt in a slip and fall accident in Texas? You may deserve substantial compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and your pain and suffering. An experienced Texas slip and fall accident lawyer can help you fight to recover the damages you deserve. 

Since Attorney Brian White Personal Injury Lawyers was founded, we’ve helped countless families secure meaningful financial settlements. We’ve recovered millions of dollars for our injured clients over the years. Our legal team would be proud to stand up for you.

Are you ready to discuss your legal options? Contact one of our Texas law offices, give us a call at (713) 500-5000 to schedule a free consultation today.

How Attorney Brian White Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help After a Slip and Fall Accident in Texas

How Attorney Brian White Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help After a Slip and Fall Accident in Texas

If you’ve suffered injuries in a slip and fall, chances are you have a long road to recovery. You’re probably wondering who will cover your medical bills and pay your daily expenses while you heal.

Property owners in Texas can be liable for injuries that happen on their property. If you’re struggling, a Texas personal injury lawyer can help you fight for the money you need to make ends meet.

At Attorney Brian White Personal Injury Lawyers we know how to handle cases like yours. We have over four decades of combined experience in personal injury law. Our founding attorney is even board certified in personal injury trial law. We’ve used our experience to recover millions of dollars in compensation for injured clients, including high-value settlements for slip and falls.

When you trust our team, you’ll have a lawyer to:

  • Gather the evidence to prove the property owner was negligent
  • Stand up for you if the insurance company blames you for the fall
  • Hire experts and specialists to bolster your case if necessary
  • Handle all insurance negotiations, communications, and legal paperwork

You deserve time to recover. Our Texas personal injury attorneys are here to fight for you. If you need help, call our offices today for a free consultation.

How Common Are Slip and Fall Accidents in Texas?

According to the National Safety Council, falls are one of the leading causes of preventable injuries in the United States. Slip and fall injuries account for 32% of all nonfatal injuries in emergency rooms. 

More than 8.49 million Americans received medical treatment after a slip and fall accident in 2019. Slip and falls are also the second leading cause of preventable deaths in the U.S.–causing about 39,443 deaths in 2019. 

What is My Texas Slip and Fall Accident Case Worth?

There’s no strict formula used to determine how much your case is worth. Still, it’s one of the most important aspects of any injury claim.

In order to recover fair compensation, you’ll have to calculate the value of your injuries. That means you’ll need a lawyer to evaluate:

  • The nature and severity of the injury
  • The nature, cost, and duration of your medical treatment
  • Your anticipated future losses
  • The value of any lost wages or earning potential
  • Whether the injury has diminished your quality of life
  • Whether you’ll struggle with daily activities
  • And more

Your financial, physical, and emotional losses are all important in calculating the value of your claim. It’s not always easy to translate these losses into dollars and cents. Our Houston slip and fall lawyers have years of experience helping victims like you and would be happy to assess the fair value of your case.

Just give us a call when you’re ready to get started.

What Types of Damages Are Available to Slip and Fall Accident Victims?

You may have a legitimate personal injury claim after a slip and fall in Texas. Texas premises liability laws classify compensatory damages as either economic damages or non-economic damages. Most injured parties are entitled to both types of damages.

Economic damages make up for your financial losses and typically include:

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Lost future earning capacity
  • Rehabilitation
  • Property damage

Non-economic damages in Texas are much more personal. They compensate victims for non-tangible losses, such as: 

  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Physical impairments
  • Disfigurement and scarring
  • Anxiety, depression, and PTSD
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Loss of consortium

At Attorney Brian White Personal Injury Lawyers we have years of experience handling slip and fall cases in Texas. We’ll do everything we can to recover the full amount you deserve. Call our slip and fall attorneys for help today for a free consultation.

Can I Recover Damages If I’m Being Blamed for a Slip and Fall Accident in Texas?

Property owners often try to avoid responsibility by blaming the victim. Sometimes those claims are legitimate. Often, they’re a tactic the insurance company uses to get off the hook for damages.

Texas modified comparative negligence law allows insurance companies to reduce your payout if you’re partly responsible. Even worse, Texas law imposes a 51% bar. Victims found to be at least 51% responsible lose their right to compensation. You can’t recover damages if you’re mostly responsible for the slip and fall.

If you’re being blamed for an accident, a personal injury lawyer can help. Our premises liability lawyers handle cases like yours on a regular basis. We know these insurance tactics, and we know how to fight back. Just give us a quick call today to learn more.  

We’ll Fight to Recover Compensation for All of Your Slip and Fall Accident Injuries

It’s easy to think that slips, trips, and falls aren’t a big deal. After all, we’ve all tripped and fallen down. Typically, we get up, shake it off, and walk away.

Not everyone is so lucky. In reality, slip and fall injuries can be extremely serious–and even fatal. 

At Attorney Brian White Personal Injury Lawyers we’ve represented slip and fall accident victims who have suffered:

Are you still struggling to recover? Our Texas slip and fall accident attorneys would be happy to visit you in the hospital or your home. Call our law firm today to schedule a convenient time for a free case review.

What Causes Most Slip and Fall Accidents in Texas?

Slip and fall accidents can happen for many different reasons. Often, they occur because of dangerous conditions on someone else’s property. Even a minor hazard can cause visitors serious harm. That’s why property owners have a legal duty to maintain their property in good condition.

Some of the most common causes of slips, trips, and falls in Texas include:

  • Potholes and uneven pavement
  • Loose flooring
  • Loose or missing carpets and mats
  • Inadequate lighting
  • Broken stairs
  • Broken or missing handrails
  • Loose cables or wires
  • Debris and clutter
  • Slippery floors and spills
  • Accumulated ice or snow

Business owners are required to keep both the interior and exterior of their property safe. If you were injured in a parking lot, parking garage, or exterior walkway, you might also be entitled to damages.

How Do I Prove Negligence After a Slip and Fall Accident in Texas? 

A slip and fall accident can happen anywhere. All property owners in the state of Texas have a duty to keep their property safe for invited visitors, customers, and guests. 

That liability extends to owners of:

  • Restaurants, bars, and nightclubs
  • Sporting venues
  • Grocery stores
  • Big box stores
  • Parking garages
  • Hospitals and nursing homes
  • Hotels 
  • Shopping malls
  • Schools and daycare centers
  • Public parks
  • Government buildings
  • Private homes

To recover damages, you must show the property owner was negligent. 

Four key elements are important in proving that the property owner was negligent:

The property owner’s duty of care varies based on the reason for your visit. If you were present on the property to conduct some type of business, you’re classified as a business invitee for legal purposes. 

Business owners owe invitees a duty to:

  • Maintain the property in a reasonably safe condition
  • Fix any unsafe conditions
  • Provide adequate warning about dangers that could cause a slip, trip, or fall
  • Inspect the premises to identify any hidden dangers

You may be entitled to compensation whether you fall on public or private property–as long as you weren’t trespassing at the time.

How Long Do I Have to File a Lawsuit After a Slip and Fall Accident in Texas?

Slip and fall victims have two years to file a claim under Texas state law. Once the two-year statute of limitations expires, you’ll forfeit your right to compensation.

Contact a Texas Slip and Fall Accident Lawyer for a Free Consultation

If you’ve been injured in a slip and fall or trip and fall, Attorney Brian White Personal Injury Lawyers is here to help. Call an experienced Texas slip and fall accident lawyer today to schedule a free consultation. 

We’ll sit down, discuss your accident, and talk about strategies to help you recover fair compensation.